Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Design Options

The reason I chose this as the final design for the animation is because halloween is soon and at the end of the day i decided to go for a spooky themed animation with a tree without leaves and a halloween pumpkin, at the beginning i was gonna do a goofy scene where a little booger was coming out of a persons nose, although this idea is still kept in the current animation, i decided to add a bit more of a theme to it 

I plan to design my set with an orange lighting so that way it has kind of an obscure light like as if it is 6 pm or something like that since at that time of the day light is fading i will add a pumpkin with a candle inside for it to have an emission effect and at the end of the day the design will have been with warm colors as well as having repetition and informal balance 

Monday, October 7, 2019

Timing and spacing in animation is very important, it makes it so the object that is being animated looks more realistic and smooth instead of having it be an unrealistic animation that looks robotic more than anything, it can help portrait the use of gravity in an animation. an example of this could be when you drop an object, every frame the object will have a bigger space than it had before since the acceleration of gravity is positive, and so that to the viewer it seems like the object is accelerating
Camera movements can be used in many ways to create different kinds of feelings to the audience examples of these can be to make the audience feel like something is coming or like the main character is big compared to what he is about to face or vice versa

camera moving in - creating emotion in the character
crane down - being dropped into the scene
crane up - character being seen as small compared to what he will face
crane high to low angle - makes character look strong
hand held camera - sense of unease
quick pan - character has to overcome something
slow dolly in - create tension
slow dolly out - you want them to overcome something
dolly across - revels something that changes emotion
glide-cam camera - feel epic
glide cam 360 - gives you a calm feeling

Process of Animation

First there is three different parts of the production. pre production, production, and post production. first there are people who draw the...